Gracias VRS is a Division of ASL Services Holdings LLC, an FCC Eligible VRS Provider

TerpExpo 2009 in Denver Colorado

TerpExpo GraciasVRS Booth

GraciasVRS and Asl Services, Inc were proud sponsors of TERPEXPO in Denver Colorado.

Angela Roth, President and CEO of both companies presented a ground breaking conference titled “Cultural Misunderstandings between Latinos and Non-Latinos”. Also with her, was Professor Sergio Peña, from Tijuana, Mexico presented a linguistically oriented conference titled “English-Spanish, Using False and Real Cognates”.

All of this is part of a Trilingual Track recently introduced as part of the TERPEXPO offerings. Thanks to everyone that came out and joined us for a wonderful experience of understanding and acceptance of the diversity that the hispanic community has to offer.

GraciasVRS Always with you!!

ASL Services, Inc., providing interpretation services with Excellence, Experience and Expertise since 1988.